Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Episode 5 (Books 17-20)

Book 17

  • When morning came, Telemachos said that he was going to head back to his house to check on him mom. He told Eumaios to bring Odysseus into town to beg for his dinner. Odysseus is still in disguise, and agrees to go to town and beg, but he needs to go later in the day, because he is cold. 
  • Then Telemachos went back to his palace. The first to greet him was Eurycleia then, his mother came down. She wept with relief and she asked him to tell her everything. Telemachos said that now was not the time and that she should pray to the gods that the day was for reckoning. For he was to go get his friend that was staying with Peitaios. So Telemachos went out to find his friend, and once he didm they both went back to the palace. It was then that they sat down, and enjoyed a meal. Then, Penelope asked about how the trip went and how he found out about Odysseus. Telemachos said that he went to King Nestor, and he had no news. He was lent a horse drawn carriage and was sent to go see king Menolaos. He was told there that Odysseus was stuck on an island with Calypso and was being held there by force. Then, Theoclymenos said that he didn't have all the truth and that Odysseus was to return home and kill all of the suitors.
  • Meanwhile, Odysseus and the swineherd went into the town. While they were walking, they ran into a bunch of no good punks. They insulted him and the swineherd and then kicked him. Odysseus was about to lose it, but kept his cool and didn't hulk out. 
  • When they got to the palace, they found Telemachos and sat down for dinner. Telemachos told Odysseus to go around and beg for food from each suitor. Athena told him to do the same thing to test and see who are the kind suitors and who is not. When he did this, some of the men wondered who this was, thats when Melanthios said that he was brought to this dinner by the swineherd and then Antinoos asked why he would bring a beggar to dinner when it isn't their problem. When he got to Antinoos, he wasn't given any food and was insulted. Odysseus insulted him back and then Antinoos hit him in the back with a stool. Even the other suitors were appalled by this. Penelopia herd of what had happened and she was furious. She sent for him because she wanted to know if he knew anything about her husband. The swineherd told her that he has lots of wonderful stories. Odysseus told her that he would come at sunset for he was scared of the ill treatment. Penelope said that was fair. The swineherd sat back down, ate a hearty meal, then went home to his pigs. 
  • Eurycleia
  • Mentor
  • Antiphas
  • Halitherses
  • Melanthios o'Dolios
  • Argos (the dog)
  • Eurynome
  • Pride/ Arrogance
  • Loyalty
  • Hospitality

Book 18
  • A local beggar, Iros, came to Odysseus and challenged him to a fight. The suitors noticed this and urged the fight. Odysseus agreed to the fight and Athena had filled out if muscles. By this time, it was to late to back out of a fight, but Iros was shaking in his boots. Odysseus won easily and was met back in the hall where the other congratulated him. Amphinomos toasted Odysseus, and Odysseus thought he was a good man. He warned him the the owner of the ouse was to return and there would be blood shed. He warned him that he should leave now and go home. He didn't listen to Odysseus and Athena fated him to fall at the hands of Telemachos. 
  • Athen put and idea in Penelopia;s head that she should show herself to the suitors. She had planned to do so, but first, Athena put her in a deep sleep and made her look beautiful. When she awoke, she went down to the suitors and told them that before Odysseus left, he told her that she was to find a new husband before her son had a full beard. She also said that the way to woo her was not to take all of her food and wine, but present her with gifts. The suitors each came with a gift in hopes that she would choose them for her husband. 
  • Penelope went to her chamber, and the suitors celebrated. After it got dark, the men lit torches that the maids had to hold. Odysseus offered to hold the torched while they go to Penelope. One maid, Melantho, insulted him. Odysseus scared them off but threatening to tell Telemachos of her foul words. 
  • Athena wanted to anger Odysseus further, so she had Eurymachos make a game out of him. Odysseus returned his insults with more insults so Eurymachos got super mad and threw a chair at Odysseus, who ducked behind Amphinomos. The stoll hit him instead of Odysseus causing an uproar. Telemachos calmed them down and everyone finished eating, and went away for the night. 
  • Iros
  • Pride/ Arrogance
  • Hospitality 
  • Loyalty

Book 19

  • Telemachos and Odysseus move all of the weapons to the storages room and tell people that they are moving them because they don't want them be to further ruined by the smoke from the fire. Athena helps them carry out their plan by lighting up the room so they can see. Just as they were finishing up, the snooty maid from before came and insulted Odysseus further. Penelope over herd this and yelled at the maid because she told her that she wanted to question the stranger. She had a maid to and get a chair for the stranger, Odysseus, so she could question him about her husband. 
  • The first question that she asked was who he was, what country is he from, and who is family was. He gave her lots of fine compliments and then he said that he didn't wish to talk about his family because it only brought him sorrow. She then explained to him the situation she was in and that she wasn't so lucky after all. Everyone was forcing her to marry someone and she didn't want to. She then again asked him who his family was. he was said was from the city of Crete where he was the youngest son. His name was Aithon. He said that he entertained Odysseus when he was on his why to Troy. He then told her stories to vivid that it made her cry for her husband. When she was finished crying, she gave him a test, she asked him what Odysseus was wear when he saw him. He told her the exact what he was wear and she wept again for he was spot on. She then told him that he was a honored guest in her house. Then, he  told her that he herd the Odysseus is alive and well and on his way home with treasured from his journey. Penelope was glad to hear this, but still believes in her heart that he is dead. 
  • Penelope offers  him a bed to sleep in and for a maid to wash his feet. He says no to the bed but yes to the foot bath, when the nurse who washed his feet recognized a scar on his foot from when he was on a hunting trip. She hugged him and Athena distracted Penelope so his cover wouldn't be blown. She agreed to keep his secret.
  • Penelope asked the stranger to interpret a dream that she had. He said the her dream meant that all of the suitors will die and not one will escape. She still didn't think she understood so she deiced to do a consent and which ever suitor won, they would win her hand in marrige. Then she went up to her chamber and waited until Athena cast a deep sleep on her. 
  • Autolycos
  • Eurtcleia
  • Hospitality
  • Loyalty
  • Pride/ Arrogance

Book 20

  • ·      That night, Odysseus had a hard time getting to sleep. Athena came to him in his sleep and told him he had nothing to worry about sense he was in his own house with is wife and son. Odysseus asked Athena how he was supposed to fight off al of the suitors. Athena said he had nothing to worry about and she will be at his side the while time.
  • ·      Penelope, also having trouble sleeping that night, awoke from her sleep from the sorrow of losing her husband and the thought of having to remarry.  She prayed to Artemis to shoot her with an arrow. Odysseus awoke from her distress and prayed to Zeus.
  • ·      The maids were now busy working on the house to make it tidy and clean. Telemachos went to his nurse and asked if she knew what the stranger had done. She said that they made him a bed and he went to sleep. Then he went to find Odysseus. Him ad Odysseus and the swineherd met. Then a man by the name of Philoitos. He was a man who still had faith that Odysseus would return.
  • ·      As they all talked about Odysseus’s return, the suitors talked about how they were going to kill Telemachos. They decided that they would eat their breakfast. Everyone sat and the maids poured the wine and served up food. Telemachos sat Odysseus down with a plate of food and said that if anyone was rude to him in anyway that there would be a quarrel.  The men thought this was a bold stamen but decided that they would obey.
  • ·      Athena wanted to provoke Odysseus further, so a man by the name of Ctesippos threw a crow’s foot at him. Telemachos threatened to kill him with his spear. Nothing was said until Agelaos says that they will leave the beggar alone, but they are going to stay there until Penelope picks s husband and that he wishes the Telemachos doesn’t delay it. He said he wished his mom would pick a suitor, and they all laughed. Then, Athena mess all of their plates and faces with blood.  Theoclymenos sees this and leaves at once. For he feels that they are all to dye. Then Penelope came down and had a abd night, like always.

  • ·      Philoitos
  • ·      Ctesippos
  • ·      Agelaos

  • ·      Pride/ Arrogance
  • ·      Hospitality
  • ·      Loyalty

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Episode 4 (Books13-16)

Book 13

  • Because Odysseus is done telling his story, the King and Queen gave him goods, loaded them up on a ship, and gave his a crew to sail home with. When the sun set, Odysseus fell asleep and let the crew command the ship. Odysseus was in a such a deep sleep, that when they got to Ithaca, the crew rolled him up in a blanket, carried him off the ship and onto the shore, and left all of his goods that the King gave him. Then they set sail back for home.
  • While they were sailing home, Poseidon spoke with his father, Zeus, about his frustration. He was furious that the Phaiacians assisted Odysseus with his way home. To punish them, Poseidon turned the ship to stone as it was almost home. The people of the town recognized this as a prophecy that they had herd of as children. 
  • Back in Ithaca, Athena had come to test Odysseus. She made his home town unknown to him by spreading mist. At first, he thought the Phaiacians had brought him to a place that was not Ithaca. Then Athena approached him, dressed at a shepard. Odysseus chooses not to share his identity until she reveals hers. Athena is pleased by this. She then tells him that he needs to punish the suiters that have been stealing his wealth and food. What Athena does, is makes Odysseus look like an old man so no one will recognize him. Then he will have to go find the man that looks after his pigs, so that he will help. She also informs Odysseus about Telemachos and how he has traveled to find news on Odysseus. He was super happy about this, but then knows that he needs to see the world. Then, Athena turns him into an old man. 
  • Loyalty

Book 14
  • Odysseus goes out to find the Swineherd that looks after his pigs. As he approaches his hut, dogs come to attack him, but then the old swineherd calls then off and welcomes Odysseus into him home for a meal, even though he doesn't recognize him. Eumaios tell the disguised Odysseus about how he thinks his master is dead and that he would be rich if he had stayed home to grow old. He also speaks of the suitors that eat up all of the food and drink all the wine of Odysseus. He says that he might know of this man that Eumaios speaks of, and that he might still be alove. The swineherd says it is not possible and that there is nothing he could do to make his wife and son believe it. Odysseus then swore to the God Zeus that he will return! The swineherd STILL wouldn't have it. Then, he talked about Telemachos and how he thinks that he might be caught. He then asks Odysseus where he is from and what not. 
  • Odysseus lies and says he is from Crete where he lived with is wealthy family. Then He went and fought in Troy with Odysseus. Then, he said while he was on a trip, he herd news that Odysseus was alive. After he was done, the swineherd still didn't believe that Odysseus was to return home. Then, the swineherd cut up some more pig, and sacrificed some to the gods, and then fed Odysseus some more. Then, after a little more chit chat, Eumaios gave Odysseus a bed to sleep in, and a cloak to stay warm. Then, Odysseus slept. 
  • Eumaios
  • Loyalty
  • Hospitality

Book 15
  • Athena went and to tell Telemachos that he need to return home. The suitors are dangerously close to convincing his mother to give Eurymachos her hand in marriage. She also warns him that while he heads home, he needs to beware of the suitors that mean to kill him. He needs to stay away from the islands and go straight home. Then, when he gets home, he needs to go to the swineherd that loyally keeps his pigs and stay the night there. The swineherd will go into town and tell Penelope that he is home, safe and sound. 
  • The next morning, Telemachos asks for the King Meleoas to let him leave, for he has no onw to watch over his estate. At once, the king, queen, and servants got gifts together for Telemachos's journey home. After they were presented with gifts, Telemachos and Peisistratos were setting off in a carriage. As the were leaving, an eagle flew over head with a white goose in its claws. Helen told them that this meant that Odysseus was to return home and have revenge in the men that take over his home. 
  • Telemachos and Peisistratos ride their horses until the sun sets and then they stay the night at a house, where they are welcomed and are given gifts. Then , the next day, they set off again and reach their ship. Telemachos says that he can not see Nestor again, for he had no time. Just as Telemachos was about to set sail, Argos, a famous prophet, come to him. Argos was a wealthy man, but he was banned for killing someone. He escaped from imprisonment to come and ask Telemachos for a ride out of the country, because if he doesn't, he will surly be killed. Telemachos didn't refuse Argos's wishes, and took him on his ship. 
  • Athena set a nice wind to sail them the right way, and Telemachos and him men were well on their way. 
  • Meanwhile, in the swineherds hut, Odysseus wanted to test how hospitable the man was. He offered to be in his way and beg in the city. He said he might go to the home of Odysseus and the his wife of his stories. As soon as Odysseus said this, Eumaios says that he is not bothering anyone here and that Odysseus is going nowhere. He said that he could stay at his hut until the Odysseus's son arrives, if he wishes. Odysseus asks him to tell about his parents. Eumiaos told him that his mother had dies, his father is still alive, and how he grew up with his sister. Then he shared his story of when he was younger and where he came from. When he was finished they slept until dawn.
  • That morning Telemachos arrived to Ithaca. He was to go to the swineherd and Theoclymenos wondered where he should go. Telemachos said he would have invited him to his house, but with the suitors there, it wouldn't be a pleasant place. Telemachos told Peiraios to take Theoclymenos to his house and entertain him until he comes for him. He said yes and with that, Telemachos went to the swineherd and found him sleeping next to his master. 
  • Eteoneus Boethoides
  • Megapenthes
  • Theoclymenos
  • Peiraios Clytides
  • Hospitality
  • Loyalty
  • Pride

Book 16
  • Odysseus woke up, and went outside to find his son playing with the dogs. He called out to Eumiaos to say that he was here. Eumiaos greeted Telemachos with hugs and kisses on the head. He thought that Telemachos wouldn't return. They went into the hut and Telemachos asked who this stranger was. Of course, it was Odysseus, but neither of them knew that. He told Telemachos that he was from the town of Crete and had been threw many hardships. The Telemachos said that he would take him into house and give him clothes to wear, but he thought it wasn't the best idea sense all of the suitors are they, and would act violently on him. So, they agreed that he would stay at Eumiaos's house, but Telemachos would send clothes and bread. Then, Telemachos asked Eumiaos to go to his house, and tell Penelope that he is home safe and then, Telemachos would stay at the hut with Odysseus and Eumiaos. 
  • Once the swineherd was gone, Athena came and summoned Odysseus into the other room. There she told him that he was ready to talk to his son, and turned him young again. Then, she went away. Then, when he went back into the room with Telemachos, he told him that he was his father and was home at last. Telemachos didn't believe him, and mistook him for a god. Then, Odysseus explained that it was Athena who turned him, and they hugged and weeped with joy that they were finally back together again. 
  • Then  they thought of a plan to kill the suitors that invade their house. Telemachos was to return home and hang around like normal, then, Odysseus and the swineherd were to come to the palace, Odysseus disguised again. Telemachos was to hide all of the weapons somewhere the suitors could not get them. But, he must leave two weapons for each of them, and slaughter the suitors. 
  • Before Eumiaos could get to Penelope, a messenger from the ship that Telemachos arrived on comes and tells all the suitors that Telemachos had returned. The suitor go down to the ship, unload all of the gear, and then meet about what they are going to do. Antinoos suggests that they kill Telemachos before everyone in the town knows that they were plotting to kill him. Then, Amphinomos said that they should only kill Telemachos with Zeus's consent, and that he should be the one to kill him. They all agreed with this plan, and they returned to the house of Odysseus. 
  • Penelope then yells at the suitors for planning to kill Telemachos. She pretty much calls them stupid because they aren't going to get her to marry her, but they have even less of a chance if they kill Telemachos. Antinoos then lied and said that they weren't going to kill him, when they really are going to. So Penelope went to her chamber and Athena made her go to sleep. 
  • Eumiaos returns the to hut, Odysseus it turned back to an old man, and he told them that a messenger had gotten the news to Penelope first and that there were lots of men at the harbor unloading a boat. Then they all went to sleep. 
  • Amphinmos
  • Antinoos
  • Loyalty
  • Hospitality
  • Pride/ Arrogance

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Episode 3 (Books 9-12)

Book 9

  • After Troy, Odysseus and his men set out to sea, when a wind blew them into land. They stayed to long and reinforcements came and attacked them. Odysseus and men finally escaped and a  storm sent by Zeus sept them away for nine days until the came to the land of Lotus eaters. The native people there gave Odysseus's men the fruit which made them want to stay there and not go home. Odysseus had to drag them back to the ship and lock them up so they would leave with him.
  • Then they sailed to the land where the Cyclops live. They wondered into the cave of the Cyclops Polyphemus, the son of Poseidon. He seems welcoming, but then eats two of Odyssues men and then hold the rest captive. 
  • Odysseus thought i a plan to free himself and his crew. While Polyphemus was out dealing with sheep, Odysseus would find a long piece of wood, sharpen it, and harden it in the fire. Then Odysseus got his drunk on wine from the ship. While Polyphemus was still conscious, he asked for Odysseus's name, and he told him Noman. Then he passed out. At that time, Odysseus and his men grabbed the hot, sharped wood, and stabbed it in his only eye and twisted and tuned until he was blind. 
  • From the loud bellows from Polyphemus's cry, all of the cyclops community came to check on his. But because he was told that Odysseus's name was Noman, when he was trying to explain what happened, he was misunderstood for saying no man has hurt me instead of Noman. 
  • When Odysseus and men were leaving, he foolishly revealed his real identity, and then Poseidon took out his rath by making sure that he didn't make it home for a long time. 
  • Polyphemus
  • Lotus eaters
  • Pride
  • Bravery
  • Epic Hero

Book 10
·      Odysseus and his men sail off of the island that is the home of the Cyclopes and sail to the ruler of the winds. Aeolus gave Odysseus a bag that is full of all the winds except the west wind that will guild them back to Ithaca. They were almost home when Odysseus fell asleep and some of his men opened then bag and a storm blew them all the way back to Aeolus. This time when Odysseus asked for help, Aeolus refused to help him.
·      Without the wind to guild the men to Ithaca, they had to row until the came to the land of Laestrygonians. Here lives a race of giants. Odysseus sends some of his crew to see what this land holds. When they do, they are made to eat, but the survivors warns Odysseus and the other of what is to come and they flee at once. But, the giants started to throw giant boulders at the ships and they all sank except for Odysseus’s ship. 
·      After that, they traveled to Aiaia where Circe lives. Odysseus, again, sends a crew of men to see where the smoke is coming from. When they get to the house where the smoke is coming from, Circe invites them in and drugs them. The drug turns them into pigs. Eurylochos was the only one to get away to tell Odysseus of what happened. Then, Hermes came down and told Odysseus how to deal with Circe and gave him a charm that would keep Odysseus from getting drugged. When Odysseus got to Circe’s house, she was baffled that he was reacting to drug and they made peace. Then, Odysseus and his men stayed there, happy as can be, for one year.
·      When it was time to go home, Odysseus asked how to get home, and Circe said she could help. She told him that he would have to get directions from the spirit of Tiredias, in Hades. The men were to leave at once. Bit before they had left, the youngest man of their group, Elpenor, had fallen off the roof and broken his neck, sending his soul to Hades.
·      Circe
·      Elpenor
·      Eurylochos
·      Pride
·      Bravery
·      Hospitality
·      Epic Hero

Book 11
·      Odysseus and his men got to the place that Circe told them to go, then they made their sacrifices. The first spirit to appear was the one of Elpenor. He begged Odysseus to give has body a proper burial on their way back from Hades. And that if he doesn’t  he was draw God’s vengeance upon him. Then came the spirit of Odysseus’s dead mother. She was alive when he left, but even though he was stricken with sorrow, he needed to talk to Tiresias. Then, came the spirit that they need. He appeared and told Odysseus to let her drink that blood of the sacrifice and he would tell him the truth.
·      She told them that they could get home, but not without suffering from the fury of Poseidon for blinding his son . They had to go to the island of Thrinacia where they will get sheep and cattle from Helios. Then, they had to travel to Ithaca with the sheep and cattle safe, and if he failed to do so, then there will be trouble at home. Then, He left and the spirit if Odysseus’s mother came back, can drank the blood from the sacrifice so she too could tell the truth. She told him about his wife, son, and father. And that she died from sorrow for him not being there. Then, a bunch of souls of women came to drink the blood, and one by one Odysseus listened to their stories.
·      He had finished the story of the ghosts and asked if he could sleep, but the king and queen urged him to continue the stories.
·       The next soul the approached Odysseus was King Agamemnon and he told of his death at the hands of his wife. He saw many other spirits but then an overwhelming amount appear. He was so frightened that he ran back to his ship and they all sailed away at once.
·      Teiresias
·      Anticleia
·      Honor
·      Epic Hero

Book 12
·      Odysseus and his men arrive at Aiaia where they sleep on the beach until morning, and then they go to Circe’s house and give Elpenor a proper burial. When Circe hears of their return, she goes to the beach immediately with a hearty meal. While the other were sleep, Odysseus told Circe all about their journey. When he finished, she told him of the obstacles to come and how to navigate threw them. She warns him about the Sirens and the paths that he has to choose.  She told him where to find the island where he needs to find the sheep and cattle.
·      When Circe was finished, Odysseus awoke his men, and they set sail. As they approached the land where the Sirens live, Odysseus had ordered his men to tie him up tight and to plug their ears, just as Circe had told them. They passed the Sirens with success, when they could hear them no more, all the men unplugged their ears and untied Odysseus.
·      Now was the time that Odysseus had to either goes by Scylla or Charybdis. They did as they were told and took the course that brought them by Scylla. And as they were sailing by, Scylla had eaten six of his men up.
·      They reached the land where they needed to pick up the cattle and sheep. Odysseus doesn’t want to go to the land at all, but is crew convince him to. Odysseus then warns them that no matter what, no one is to harm a single animal. That night, a giant storm came and they were forced to stay there for a month. Odysseus constantly reminded them that no one is to eat the animals, but the food on the ship that Circe gave them.
·      Then, one day while Odysseus had stepped away for awhile to pray to the gods, his crew killed and eat some of the cattle. Odysseus wok up to the smell of burning fat and prayed to the gods to forgive him. The news of the crime travelled fast and Zeus was going to punish them. As predicted, all of his men died. Then Odysseus, barley alive himself, floated to Calypso’s island. Then He brakes from the story because he sees no reason to repeat his time on that island. 
·      Scylla
·      Sirens
·      Helios Hyperion
·      Nymphs
·      Perimedes

·      Honor
·      Pride and Arrogance
·      Epic Hero

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Episode 2 (Books 5-8)

Book 5

  • The Gods yet again held a meeting to discuss the fate of Odysseus. Athena persuaded Zeus to intervene one the situation and he sent Hermes down to the island where Calypso is keeping Odysseus to let him free. 
  • When messenger god arrived, Calypso greeted him with great hospitaltiy. While they had a nice meal, they talked about Odysseus and how he was to be let go. Calypso was frustrated because she loved him and that the gods were being unfair. But he was forced to let him go because it was Zeus's wish. 
  • Calypso informed Odysseus of the news and suspicious at first, but then found that she was being sincere. Calypso was going to supply him with enough food and water for the journey, but that was all she could offer. 
  • While he was at sea, he had finally spotted land. But as his hopes were rising, Poseidon noticed him and realized what the other god had done. Then he brewed up a storm that almost killed Odysseus. Them, the God Ino saved his live by giving him a floaty. When Odysseus finally got to land, he finds a place where he will be safe and out of site, and passes out. 
Book 6
  • The same night that Odysseus found land, Athena went to the Phaiacian princess in her dreams and told her stop being to lazy and go to the river to do laundry. Also she would want to look good for all of the men. 
  • So the next day she and all her handmaids went out, striped, and did all the laundry. While they were waited they for their clothes to dry, they threw a ball around. Odysseus, naked himself, woke up and humbly asked for assistance. The princess left him alone to clean up, and Athena made him look very handsome, then the Princess began to fall in love with him. 
  • Because she didn't want to cause a scene, she gave Odysseus directions to the palace. 
Book 7
  • On his way to the palace, Odysseus is stopped by a little girl, who is really Athena in disguise. She offers to show him the palace and a mist that make it so the Phaeacians wouldn't recognize him. She also gives him advice to go to the Queen, Arete, to ask for help because she will know how to get him home.
  • When they get to the castle, Athena returns to the Athens. Odysseus wonders around until he finds the queen and then throws himself at her. The kings suspects that he is a god, but then Odysseus confesses that he is only a mortal. After he explains his troubles, The queen promise that they will send him off in a ship the next day. 
  • Later that night, while the king, queen, and Odysseus were alone, Queen Nausicaa recognized the clothes he was wearing to be the ones that her daughters makes. She asked for further explanation and he told his story again. King Alcinous was so impressed with Odysseus's stories, he offers him his daughters hand in marriage. 
Book 8
  • The king held a meeting to se what they were going to do about Odysseus. A proposal was had that they would give him a ship to sail back to his home land. In the meantime, they were going to have a feast, and games in honor of Odysseus. A man named Demodocus sang about the feud between Odysseus and Achilles from Troy. Odysseus became sad from the memories and the king ended the feast and begins the games. 
  • Odysseus is asked to participate, and declines because of the hardships he has had to encounter as of late. A man by then name of Broadsea insults Odysseus which of course make him play. He wins the some of the events with ease, but when he challenges them to another sport of their choice, they can't come to a choice and go have a feast. After the feast a few of the men give Odysseus gifts for his journey home. 
  • At dinner that night the Odysseus asked the minstrel to sing of the Trojan horse, but again breaks down while he is sining. The king notices and asks Odysseus to at least tall him about himself. 

  • Hospitality
  • Pride and arrogance
  • Queen Arete
  • Nausicaa
  • King Alcinous
  • Broadsea

Friday, April 6, 2012

Episode 1, The Odyssey


  • The narrator explains where Odysseus is and sort of how he got there. 
  • The gods are called to a meeting and Athena brings up Odysseus.
  • They chose to let Odysseus go home and that Athena would go to Ithaca and lead his son to see the world and ask about his father.
  • Athen went to Telemachos looking like someone else and he welcomed her with the up most hospitality. They told each other who the other one was and where they cam from. 
  • When Telemachos told Athena about the suitors who wanted to marry his mother, Penelope, and she was not very happy at all. She told him to go out and ask people about his father and go see if people knew him. 
  • Telemachos told all of the suitors to go home and sleep in their own beds, witch they did, and he was going to leave in the morning. 
  • Telemachos had a meeting with the suitors and told them that they could marry his mother and they all need to go away because they are eating all of his food and they are annoying. They said when his mother chooses a husband, then they will all leave. 
  • They go to Nestor, and ask hod of he knows anything about the current status of Odysseus. he didn't have any news of his father because after the falling of Troy, they split up. He prays for Telemachos and says he should reclaim the honor of his father, as Agamemnon's son did for him.
  • Then, nestor explained hoe Agamemnon died, and how his son avenged his death, and that Telemachos should use that as an example.
  • He send his son and Telemachos to Sparta and they will go in the morn.
  • When they get to Sparta, the king and queen were having weddings got their daughter and son. Pisistratus and telemachos are welcomed and then Telemachos is soon recognized as the son of Odysseus because of the obvious resemblance.  As they feast they share stories of Odysseus. Then, Telemachos was informed that Odysseus is still alive, but stranded on Calypso's island. They plan to sail back to Ithaca. 
  • Back in Ithaca, the suitor caught word of Telemachos's return and they plan to ambush him. Penelope hears about this and can't bare the thought of losing her son and her husband. Then, Athena comes to her in the form of her sister, and reassures her that everything will be ok. 
  • Telemachos
  • Odysseus 
  • Penelope
  • Athena/ Mentor
  • Nestor
  • Agamemnon
  • Antanoos
  • Aigyptios
  • Eurtmachos
  • Menelaos
  • Tendeos
  • Aigisthos
  • Clytaimnestra

  • Loyalty
  • Hopsitatily
  • Arrogance]
  • The coming of age.