Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Grammer- Pg. 433 #1-10, Pg. 434 #21-25

1. worked- verb, cattle- noun
2. were-verb, adjective 
3. improvment-adjective, Charle Goodnight- noun
4. down- preposition, but- conjunction
5. by- preposition, first- adjective
6. or- conjunction, these- pronoun
7. nameless- adjective, most-adjective.
8. instrumental- adjective, settled- verb
9. railroads- noun, soon- adverb
10. hey- interjection, cowboys- noun

21.     they – personal, their – personal
22.     their – personal, himself – reflexive
23.     few – indefinate, their – personal, these – demonstrative
24.     who – interrogative                                                                                                                                 25.    anybody – indefinate, this- demonstrative

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

There will come soft rains, Daily life.

Daily Schedule 
  • 7 o'clock- Wake up
  • 7:10- Breakfast Time 
    • Breakfast Menu
      • Eight pieces of browned toast, eight eggs sunny side up, sixteen slices of bacon, two cups of coffee and two glasses of cold milk.
    • The date and events of the day are announced.
      • August 4th, 2016. Today is Mr. Featherstone's birthday. Today is the anniversary of Tilita's marriage.
  • 8:00- Time for school and work.
  • 8:30- Clean up from breakfast. 
  • 9:15- Time to clean the entire house. 
  • 10:15- Water the garden. 
  • 12:00- Lunch time
  • 2:25- Kids get home from school and snack time. 
    • Crackers, cheese, and meat. 
  • 2:45- Game time. 
    • Cards and board games. 
  • 3:00- Parents come home from work.
  • 4:00- Dinner time
    • Mongolian beef, white sticky rice, and sea weed. 
  • 4:30- Clean up dinner
  • 5:00- Bath time for the kids.
  • 5:35- Story time
  • 6:00- Bed time for everyone!  

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Leonard Mead's Great Escape

Leonard Mead was checked in at the, and was sitting in his room, staring at the wall wondering what had happened and how he got into this mess. All he knew was that he needed to get out of there.
The building was 20 stories high and none of the rooms had windows. All the walls were pure white except for one. That one was wall was one giant T.V. Adjacent to the huge television set was a twin size bed with one pillow and an itchy grey blanket just long enough to cover his toes.
Days dragged on and on. Leonard has never watched for T.V. in his life. He had watch so much that he had seen the same karate program 27 times and could quote it word for word. Until one day his plan to escape was perfected.
One day, when he was supposed to be walking back from the cafeteria, he took a little detour just to find a nurse. Finally he cam across a male nurse named Carl. Remembering the moves from all the karate shows, he pulled a quick, unexpected move and dropped Carl to the ground unconscious. Leonard quickly drug Carl into a closet on put in him uniform and grabbed his key card that would open a back door.
He ran to the nearest exit and began to make a run for it. Then before Leonard could get 100 yards out, he was shot right though the head but one of the security guards. Little did he know, there were little hidden cameras everywhere and someone had been watching him the whole time.   

Monday, August 22, 2011

Vocabulary 1

1) Subliminal- adj. perceived by or affecting someone's mind without their being aware of it
Subliminal messaging in the disney move, Aladdin, tries to get teenagers to take off their clothes.

2) Regressive- adj. becoming less advanced; returning to a former or less developed state
When Hannah runs cross country, she is being regressive. (I don't think this is right) 

3) Hindrance- n. a thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something or someone.

4) Vigilance-n. the action or state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties. 
The dogs vigilance in watching out for bear ended with him getting treats at the end of the day.

5) Undulate- v. move with a smooth wavelike motion
The curtain undulated with the breeze from the draft in the room. 

6) Consternation-n. feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected 
Finishing the race made Hannah pass out from consternation. 

7) Vague - adj. of uncertainindefiniteor unclear character or meaning
The man that was accused of murder was very vague when telling the police officer of his where abouts the night of the murder. 

8) Resilient- adj. (of a substance or object) able to recoil or spring back into shape after bending, stretching, or being compressed.
Most kids are resilient so they can do more activities and get injured more. 

9) Intermittent- adj. occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady
Hannah's breathing while running is intermittent. 

10) Luminous- adj. full of or shedding light; bright or shining, esp. in the dark
Hoover's red highlights are luminous against her natural dark hair.