Tuesday, August 30, 2011

There will come soft rains, Daily life.

Daily Schedule 
  • 7 o'clock- Wake up
  • 7:10- Breakfast Time 
    • Breakfast Menu
      • Eight pieces of browned toast, eight eggs sunny side up, sixteen slices of bacon, two cups of coffee and two glasses of cold milk.
    • The date and events of the day are announced.
      • August 4th, 2016. Today is Mr. Featherstone's birthday. Today is the anniversary of Tilita's marriage.
  • 8:00- Time for school and work.
  • 8:30- Clean up from breakfast. 
  • 9:15- Time to clean the entire house. 
  • 10:15- Water the garden. 
  • 12:00- Lunch time
  • 2:25- Kids get home from school and snack time. 
    • Crackers, cheese, and meat. 
  • 2:45- Game time. 
    • Cards and board games. 
  • 3:00- Parents come home from work.
  • 4:00- Dinner time
    • Mongolian beef, white sticky rice, and sea weed. 
  • 4:30- Clean up dinner
  • 5:00- Bath time for the kids.
  • 5:35- Story time
  • 6:00- Bed time for everyone!  

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