Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Episode 4 (Books13-16)

Book 13

  • Because Odysseus is done telling his story, the King and Queen gave him goods, loaded them up on a ship, and gave his a crew to sail home with. When the sun set, Odysseus fell asleep and let the crew command the ship. Odysseus was in a such a deep sleep, that when they got to Ithaca, the crew rolled him up in a blanket, carried him off the ship and onto the shore, and left all of his goods that the King gave him. Then they set sail back for home.
  • While they were sailing home, Poseidon spoke with his father, Zeus, about his frustration. He was furious that the Phaiacians assisted Odysseus with his way home. To punish them, Poseidon turned the ship to stone as it was almost home. The people of the town recognized this as a prophecy that they had herd of as children. 
  • Back in Ithaca, Athena had come to test Odysseus. She made his home town unknown to him by spreading mist. At first, he thought the Phaiacians had brought him to a place that was not Ithaca. Then Athena approached him, dressed at a shepard. Odysseus chooses not to share his identity until she reveals hers. Athena is pleased by this. She then tells him that he needs to punish the suiters that have been stealing his wealth and food. What Athena does, is makes Odysseus look like an old man so no one will recognize him. Then he will have to go find the man that looks after his pigs, so that he will help. She also informs Odysseus about Telemachos and how he has traveled to find news on Odysseus. He was super happy about this, but then knows that he needs to see the world. Then, Athena turns him into an old man. 
  • Loyalty

Book 14
  • Odysseus goes out to find the Swineherd that looks after his pigs. As he approaches his hut, dogs come to attack him, but then the old swineherd calls then off and welcomes Odysseus into him home for a meal, even though he doesn't recognize him. Eumaios tell the disguised Odysseus about how he thinks his master is dead and that he would be rich if he had stayed home to grow old. He also speaks of the suitors that eat up all of the food and drink all the wine of Odysseus. He says that he might know of this man that Eumaios speaks of, and that he might still be alove. The swineherd says it is not possible and that there is nothing he could do to make his wife and son believe it. Odysseus then swore to the God Zeus that he will return! The swineherd STILL wouldn't have it. Then, he talked about Telemachos and how he thinks that he might be caught. He then asks Odysseus where he is from and what not. 
  • Odysseus lies and says he is from Crete where he lived with is wealthy family. Then He went and fought in Troy with Odysseus. Then, he said while he was on a trip, he herd news that Odysseus was alive. After he was done, the swineherd still didn't believe that Odysseus was to return home. Then, the swineherd cut up some more pig, and sacrificed some to the gods, and then fed Odysseus some more. Then, after a little more chit chat, Eumaios gave Odysseus a bed to sleep in, and a cloak to stay warm. Then, Odysseus slept. 
  • Eumaios
  • Loyalty
  • Hospitality

Book 15
  • Athena went and to tell Telemachos that he need to return home. The suitors are dangerously close to convincing his mother to give Eurymachos her hand in marriage. She also warns him that while he heads home, he needs to beware of the suitors that mean to kill him. He needs to stay away from the islands and go straight home. Then, when he gets home, he needs to go to the swineherd that loyally keeps his pigs and stay the night there. The swineherd will go into town and tell Penelope that he is home, safe and sound. 
  • The next morning, Telemachos asks for the King Meleoas to let him leave, for he has no onw to watch over his estate. At once, the king, queen, and servants got gifts together for Telemachos's journey home. After they were presented with gifts, Telemachos and Peisistratos were setting off in a carriage. As the were leaving, an eagle flew over head with a white goose in its claws. Helen told them that this meant that Odysseus was to return home and have revenge in the men that take over his home. 
  • Telemachos and Peisistratos ride their horses until the sun sets and then they stay the night at a house, where they are welcomed and are given gifts. Then , the next day, they set off again and reach their ship. Telemachos says that he can not see Nestor again, for he had no time. Just as Telemachos was about to set sail, Argos, a famous prophet, come to him. Argos was a wealthy man, but he was banned for killing someone. He escaped from imprisonment to come and ask Telemachos for a ride out of the country, because if he doesn't, he will surly be killed. Telemachos didn't refuse Argos's wishes, and took him on his ship. 
  • Athena set a nice wind to sail them the right way, and Telemachos and him men were well on their way. 
  • Meanwhile, in the swineherds hut, Odysseus wanted to test how hospitable the man was. He offered to be in his way and beg in the city. He said he might go to the home of Odysseus and the his wife of his stories. As soon as Odysseus said this, Eumaios says that he is not bothering anyone here and that Odysseus is going nowhere. He said that he could stay at his hut until the Odysseus's son arrives, if he wishes. Odysseus asks him to tell about his parents. Eumiaos told him that his mother had dies, his father is still alive, and how he grew up with his sister. Then he shared his story of when he was younger and where he came from. When he was finished they slept until dawn.
  • That morning Telemachos arrived to Ithaca. He was to go to the swineherd and Theoclymenos wondered where he should go. Telemachos said he would have invited him to his house, but with the suitors there, it wouldn't be a pleasant place. Telemachos told Peiraios to take Theoclymenos to his house and entertain him until he comes for him. He said yes and with that, Telemachos went to the swineherd and found him sleeping next to his master. 
  • Eteoneus Boethoides
  • Megapenthes
  • Theoclymenos
  • Peiraios Clytides
  • Hospitality
  • Loyalty
  • Pride

Book 16
  • Odysseus woke up, and went outside to find his son playing with the dogs. He called out to Eumiaos to say that he was here. Eumiaos greeted Telemachos with hugs and kisses on the head. He thought that Telemachos wouldn't return. They went into the hut and Telemachos asked who this stranger was. Of course, it was Odysseus, but neither of them knew that. He told Telemachos that he was from the town of Crete and had been threw many hardships. The Telemachos said that he would take him into house and give him clothes to wear, but he thought it wasn't the best idea sense all of the suitors are they, and would act violently on him. So, they agreed that he would stay at Eumiaos's house, but Telemachos would send clothes and bread. Then, Telemachos asked Eumiaos to go to his house, and tell Penelope that he is home safe and then, Telemachos would stay at the hut with Odysseus and Eumiaos. 
  • Once the swineherd was gone, Athena came and summoned Odysseus into the other room. There she told him that he was ready to talk to his son, and turned him young again. Then, she went away. Then, when he went back into the room with Telemachos, he told him that he was his father and was home at last. Telemachos didn't believe him, and mistook him for a god. Then, Odysseus explained that it was Athena who turned him, and they hugged and weeped with joy that they were finally back together again. 
  • Then  they thought of a plan to kill the suitors that invade their house. Telemachos was to return home and hang around like normal, then, Odysseus and the swineherd were to come to the palace, Odysseus disguised again. Telemachos was to hide all of the weapons somewhere the suitors could not get them. But, he must leave two weapons for each of them, and slaughter the suitors. 
  • Before Eumiaos could get to Penelope, a messenger from the ship that Telemachos arrived on comes and tells all the suitors that Telemachos had returned. The suitor go down to the ship, unload all of the gear, and then meet about what they are going to do. Antinoos suggests that they kill Telemachos before everyone in the town knows that they were plotting to kill him. Then, Amphinomos said that they should only kill Telemachos with Zeus's consent, and that he should be the one to kill him. They all agreed with this plan, and they returned to the house of Odysseus. 
  • Penelope then yells at the suitors for planning to kill Telemachos. She pretty much calls them stupid because they aren't going to get her to marry her, but they have even less of a chance if they kill Telemachos. Antinoos then lied and said that they weren't going to kill him, when they really are going to. So Penelope went to her chamber and Athena made her go to sleep. 
  • Eumiaos returns the to hut, Odysseus it turned back to an old man, and he told them that a messenger had gotten the news to Penelope first and that there were lots of men at the harbor unloading a boat. Then they all went to sleep. 
  • Amphinmos
  • Antinoos
  • Loyalty
  • Hospitality
  • Pride/ Arrogance

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