Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Vocabulary 4

1) Castes-n.  an endogamous and hereditary social group limited topersons of the same rank, occupation, economic position
The caste to which the man was in made it so he could only do some things. 

2) Precipice- n. a cliff with a vertical, nearly vertical, or overhanging face.
The house was on a precipice. 

3) Ruminating- v. to meditate or muse; ponder.
The little girl was ruminating about where she could have lost her favorite teddy bear. 

4) Adage n. a traditional saying expressing a common experience or observation. 

The man was familiar with the adage that the little boy was expressing. 

5) Magnanimity n. The act of being generous. 
The magnanimity of the old man was poor when Zack punched him in the face and Donovan laughed.

6) Axiomatic Adj. 
It was axiomatic that the little girl drew on the wall.

7) Ignominy N. disgrace; dishonor

The girls ignominy was to much for the old man, so he keeled over an died. 

8) Mollified V. to soften in feeling or temper

The cookies mollified the little girl after the puppy peed in her shoe.

9) Intrinsically Adv. belonging naturally; essential

The girl intrinsically went to the house that she grew up in. 

10) Cajolery N. persuade someone to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery
The cajolery of the old woman was best when she tried to get the boy to water her plants. 

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