Thursday, January 26, 2012

Act III Rewritten

Act 3 Scene 1
Banquo is suspicious of Macbeth because he knows that in order for those predictions to come true, he would have had to do something bad for those predictions to come true.  He says that although the predictions are good, they bring bad things to people.
Macbeth comes in along with Lady Macbeth and they invite Banquo to their feast. Then Banquo says that he will be at dinner, but he is going on a ride and won’t be back until then and the Fleance will be with him. Macbeth says to be careful and good-bye. Then, everyone leaves except Macbeth and the servants.
He tells them to go fetch the three murders. He talks to himself about how he knows how smart Banquo is and that he might be on to him. He knows that Banquo is royal to his country and that is something and has been done, and then he will tell. So Macbeth knows that Banquo must be killed. Macbeth also wants his own kids to be kings not Banquo’s, therefore his son, Fleance, must be killed as well. The murderers come in. Macbeth tell the murderers that Banquo must be killed and his son because he is everyone’s enemy and he needs to be killed tonight. Macbeth tells the murderers that Banquo and Fleance will be riding tonight and that they must kill them then. The murderers agree and go on their way.

Act 3 Scene 2
The scene begins with Lady Macbeth asking a servant is Banquo had left the castle. The servant said yes and then was told to go tell Macbeth that Lady Macbeth wanted a word with him.  Macbeth enters and Lady Macbeth asked him say he was alone. She told him that he shouldn’t feel bad because what’s done is done. Macbeth replies with that they have started the plan nicely, but they have only begun. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to clean up and be happy for the guests that are attending the feast tonight. Macbeth says that they need to seem honorable so no one doubts him as king. And Lady Macbeth says he needs to forget about the murder.  Although Lady Macbeth doesn’t know about Banquo, and Macbeth plan on keeping it that way until the news is announced and then she will know what Macbeth has done.

Act 3 Scene 3
The Murderers are talking about how Macbeth might not trust the murderers he has chosen, and then the second murderer says that there is no need to mistrust them because they are going to carry out the duties they were given. Then they see Banquo and Fleance. They were waiting for the right time to attack. Banquo and Fleance approached the murderers and then they attacked. They killed Banquo, but Fleance got away. The murderers consulted and found that the Fleance, got away.

Act3 Scene 4
This scene starts at the Macbeth castle at the feast with the lords, Lady Macbeth, and Macbeth. He asks all the lords to be seated. One of the murderers come in and pulls Macbeth aside. He tells Macbeth that Banquo has been taken care of, but Fleance got away. Macbeth is now in fear, he starts to have a fit and feels like he is crammed up in a confined space. He doubled checks that Banquo is dead, and when he is sure, he says that this won’t upset his plans for now, but in the future, his plans will be spoiled. The murderer leaves and Lady Macbeth comes and tell Macbeth to get back to the feast because he has guests that are waiting. Macbeth goes back in the room with all of his guests, and he goes to sit down, but there are no chairs because Banquo’s ghost is occupying one. Lennox and Ross keep asking Macbeth to sit down because Macbeth is the only one who can see Banquo’s ghost. Ross and Lennox assume that Macbeth is not well, and Lady Macbeth excuses herself and Macbeth and goes the side. Macbeth says that he is a man that would appall the devil. Lady Macbeth says that all of the things that Macbeth is seeing, like the dagger and Banquo’s ghost, are only from his fear and not actually real. Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost again and tries to get Lady Macbeth to see him too but of course she can’t.  Then he says that is vaults and graves come contain the people who are dead then the only burying place would be stomachs of birds. Lady Macbeth question his manhood again. But Macbeth still believes that Banquo is still there and Lady Macbeth that’s a shame. Macbeth says murders have been preformed sense before there was law and order and even sense then they are to terrible to hear. Lady Macbeth tries to distract him and reminds him that he needs to go back to the dinner party. He goes in and raises a glass for good health and to Banquo and his good health. Banquo’s comes back again and Macbeth starts telling to him and saying that he should be in the earth and not at his table. Lady Macbeth tries to calm him down, but he is to scared, he says that if Banquo’s ghost was in any other form, he wouldn’t be scared. Or even if he turned into the real Banquo and challenged him with his sword, Macbeth wouldn’t be sacred, and if he was then to call him a baby. The Banquo’s ghost leaves. Macbeth then finally calms down and by that time Lady Macbeth said that he has ruined the party.  Macbeth said he wasn’t himself because he was in fear, and then Ross asked of he saw something scary. Lady Macbeth says not to speak to him because he is only growing worse and sends everyone to bed. Macbeth notices that Macduff refuses to come to the dinners and is insulted by it. Ant hen says he is going to see the three weird sisters about the things he is seeing.

Act 3 Scene 5
This scene starts with the first witch and the mother witch, Hecate. The witch asked why she looked so angry. Then, Hecate explained that she was upset because they didn’t consult her before going to see Macbeth.

Act 3 Scene 6
In this scene Lennox and another lord are talking. Lennox starts off with discussing how evil event are happening. First, Duncan was killed and found by Macbeth, and then Banquo was found dead. Lennox thinks that Fleance killed him because he fled from the scene. Then we thinks back to Duncan’s murder. He couldn’t imagine that Donaldbain and Malcolm would kill their very own father. Then he thought of how Macbeth grieved his death. Right after Duncan died, Macbeth was crowned king. He says that Macbeth wisely did the murder. Then he said that he noticed that Macduff failed to attend the feast and asked the other lord where he was. He said that Macduff was in England with Malcolm. They were talking to the to the king. Lennox asked if Macbeth asked Macduff to the feast, and the lord said that he did. Macbeth was insulted by his refusal to go to the feast. Lennox said that Macduff should stay as far away from Macbeth as he can. He wishes that Macduff would come back to his country. 

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