Thursday, January 26, 2012

Act III Study Questions

CT 3 Study Questions

Scene 1

1) What is Banquo’s opening soliloquy about? Please translate it line by line.
-Banquo says that he fears that Macbeth has done bad things to get what the witches predicted for him. He also says that the witched told him that his sons were to be king. Then he finishes by saying that although the predictions were good, bad that will come because of them.

2) Why does Macbeth wish Banquo dead (name at least 2 reasons)—look at his speech in lines 50-76?
-Because Macbeth wanted his children to be kings, not Banquo. He also fears that Banquo will find out that he has killed Duncan and rat him out because he is done what he thinks is right. And in some sense Macbeth is scared of Banquo.

3) What is significant about the following quote, “For them the gracious Duncan I have murder;/ Put rancors in the vessel of my peace/ only for them,”
-He says that he killed Duncan for Banquo’s sons. Because the witched prediction wouldn’t have come true if Macbeth didn’t become king.

4) How does Macbeth convince the murders?
-He says that Banquo is their enemy.

Scene 2

1) What is significant about the quote, “We have scotched the snake not killed it./ She’ll close and be herself, whilst our poor malice/ remains in danger of the former tooth.” What does Macbeth mean?
-It means that there are still big things to be done. Although Macbeth is king and Duncan is dead, he wants his kids to become king not Banquos.

2) Why does Macbeth tell his wife, “Be innocent of the knowledge dearest chuck,/ till thou applaud the deed.”?
-Because he has changed his views on this whole plan. He started freaking out about killing Duncan, and no he is killing people without consulting his wife. So, he told her that she would know about killing when the news comes.

3) What is significant in the quote, “Come, seeling night, Scarf up the tender eye of pitiful day,/ and with bloody and invisible hand/ cancel and tear to pieces that great bond/ which keeps me pale.” What is Macbeth saying and what is the great bond?
-He is saying that bad things happen at night and no one can see them coming because it is night. The great bond is Bamquo and Macbeth’s friendship.

4) Explain the symbolism of crows, night and sleep in this scene. What does it suggest?
-The crows symbolize the three murderers, and night and sleep symbolize the evil of this plan and the evil deeds that have to be done. It suggests that the three murderers will succeed in kill Banquo tonight.

Scene 3

1) What happens in this scene? What is botched?
-In this scene, the three murderers set out to kill Banquo and son, Fleance. They succeed in killing Banquo, but ironically enough, Fleance gets away.

Scene 4

1)    What event is most important in this scene?
-The most important event is when the murderers tell Macbeth that they failed to kill Fleance because after he gets that news he starts to worry and freak out a little. Without this, Macbeth probably wouldn’t have seen Banquo’s ghost and he would have stayed gathered the entire dinner party. Also, because he goes crazy, people start doubting him as a king.

2) Why does Macbeth say, “There the grown serpent lies; the worm that’s fled/ hath nature that in time will venom breed,/ no teeth for the present.” What is he talking about? Who is he talking about?
-What Macbeth is saying is that right now it is ok that Fleance fled, but over time, it will ruin Macbeth’s plans.

3) What is significant about Banquo’s ghost? What does it suggest? How does Macbeth react to it? Is it real or in Macbeth’s mind?
-He’s ghost is there because the real Banquo was supposed to be there. So, it suggests that Banquo wants revenge and knows that if Macbeth looks like a fool then he will have less of a chance at being a good king. When he sees Banquo’s ghost, he looses it. He starts to go a little crazy. I think it is in his mind because he is feeling guilty that he had his best friend killed.

4) Discuss how blood is used in this scene? What does it symbolize?
5) How does Lady Macbeth react to Macbeth’s visions?
-She thinks he is acting up because of a lack of sleep.

Scene 5

1) Most critics think this scene was placed into Macbeth by a different/later author (someone other Shakespeare). Do you agree or not? Why?
Well I don’t really know enough about Shakespeare, but I don’t think that someone else wrote it. There are a lot of characters in a lot of books that only show up once and are just fillers. In fact there are other characters that only show up once earlier in this book.

Scene 6

1)    What does Lennox say in this scene about Fleance and Banquo?
He says that because Flenace fled, he was the one who killed Banquo.

3)    Where does MacDuff go?
He goes to England. 

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