Monday, January 9, 2012

Macbeth Vocab. 1

Surmised-v. suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it
Hannah surmised that Rori would under the basketball ready to get the ball and score. 

Bounteous Adj. generously given or giving; bountiful
Kelly was bounteous with her gum. 

Consort N. associate with. 
The little girl was told not to consort with men in creeper vans.

Corporal Adj. Physical
The dog ate all the cheese so he had to face corporal punishment.  

Prate V. to talk excessively and pointlessly; babble:

The father will prate to his daughter about how much technology has advanced in the past couple years. 

Dauntless Adj. Fearless
The little girl was dauntless when she had to kill the spider on the wall for her babysitter.

Chastise V. to discipline, especially by corporal punishment.

The father had to chastise his son for getting a girl pregnant.

Chalice N. a drinking cup or goblet.

Mummy, would you be so kind as to get the chalice from the kitchen please. The little girl asked her mom in a fake british accent. 

Undivulged Adj. Remain secret 
The undivulged affair between the mayor and the homeless man was short and sick.

Surfeit N. excess; an excessive amount
The lady had a surfeit amount of kitty litter because she got a life time supply and then her cat sprinkles. 

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