Thursday, January 5, 2012

Macbeth Characters and summery for act 1 scene 1-3

Characters- The Three Witches, King Duncan, Malcolm, Captain, Lennox, Macbeth, Banquo, Angus, and Ross.

Scene One- In scene one the three witched appear first. They argue about when they should meet Macbeth agian. They agree to meet him after battle in the wilderness.

Scene Two- The king of scotland, King Duncan, asks a wounded captain about battle. He answer with a report that mention that the Scottish generals, Macbeth and Banquo, fought with the courage of warriors. He is then goes to tend to his wounds and then Ross enters. He informs the king that the Thane of Cowdor has been beat. The kings then tells Ross that he will be put to death and Macbeth will gain his title.

Scene Three- The three witches appear again and they talked about what one another have been doing lately. Then the third witch calls out that Macbeth is coming. When Macbeth and Banquo approach the three witched, they question whether or not they are mortal. The witches declare Macbeth Thane of Cowdor and also tell he will be king someday. Then they tell Banquo that he will never be king, but his son will sit upon the thrown. They want more information, but the witches vanish in thin air. Shortly after the witched leave, Angus and Ross show up and tell Macbeth that he will now be known as Thane of Cowdor. He was shocked to see that the witches were right and then he wonders if he will be giving the thrown or if he will have to earn ut by maybe a dark deed.

I think that Macbeth tragic flaw is that he will do anything to get what he wants, even betraying people to do so. SOmetimes this is a good treat, but if it is taken to extremes, then it can be bad.

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