Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Chapter 10 Journal Entry

  1. This chapter begins in the Bloomsbury and it explains the difference rooms, then it goes into anther room where the director and Henry Foster and chit chatting. The director was tell Henry how he was going to make an example of Bernard. Henry mentioned that Bernard does his job very well, and the director went on to talk about how he is an unfit citizen outside of work and that is dangerous. When Bernard arrived, the director talked to the whole crowd about his "painful duty" and how the society was in danger. Then he pointed at Bernard and said that he has an unhealthy sex-life, he doesn't believe in the use of soma, and his behavior outside of work hours are unorthodox. So, the director said he was forced to send bernard to Ice-Land to protect society. Then the director gave his a chance to defend his honor. That is when Bernard call Linda and John into the room. Bernard pointed them in the director direction, and started babbling about how he was a father, the John went and knelt at the directors feet and saying, "My father! My Father!" Overwhelmed with humiliation, the director ran out of the room, covering his ear. 
  2. This chapter is important because this is where Bernard starts to have power, which isn't a good thing. Also, this is the first time John had ever been in a society like this, and this is where John begins to change as well. Also it is the last time we see the director, which means Bernard's plan worked. 
  3. Characters
    1. In this chapter, Bernard, who has never really had power before, get a lot of power. A few things can happen from a person obtaining to much power in so little time. Either he can go crazy with power, he can abuse his power, or his power will be taken away form him just as fast as he gets it. 
    2. The director's life in now ruined now that he was so humiliated. 
    3. Linda is now back in the society that she missed so much, but now she won't be accepted into the society because of her appearance. 
    4. John is finally introduced to his father. Although they don't get much bonding time. he also is finally in the society that his mom always talked about and he can experience all the wonderful things she had talked about. 
  4. Literary Elements
    1. Symbol
      1. I think the director symbolizes a snake. They are both known to be devious and untrustworthy.
    2. Forshadow
      1. "Yes, I can."
  5. New Words
    1. Imperceptibly Adv. impossible to perceive
    2. Subverter N. undermine the power and authority of (an established system orinstitution)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this is a great chapter. I both love and hate Bernard here.

    How does the description or actions of the director remained you of a snake? Interesting insight.
