Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Chapter 12 Journal Entry

  1. Bernard needs John to come out and show himself to all of the people Bernard had invited to see the savage. Bernard didn't tell John that he needed to do this, so John didn't want to come out. Bernard tried and tried to coax him out, but John wasn't having any. He was just cursing native at Bernard. So Bernard had to go back out, and tell all of those people that they could see the savage. They weren't just any people ether, they people of important status. As soon as the words came form Bernard's mouth, everyone started judging him again. Bernard tried to get people to stay and maybe the savage would come out, but the citizens were to outraged, that they just left. Bernard felt as though he was deflated, so , he took soma to take his mind off things. Mustapha was once again, reviewing Bernard'd report on the savage. He thought is was very dangerous and made sure that it was not to be published. Also, he thought it necessary for Bernard to be transferred. Mustapha felt that that Bernard was unstable and dangerous to society. Then it jumps to John reading Romeo and Juliet. Then  it jumps again to Lenina and the Arch-Community- Songster, and Lenina feels she needs to take soma. Then it goes full circle back to Bernard. He was happy in his soma holiday, until morning, the he had to deal with reality again. The savages was trying to cheers him up, but really only making it worse. Bernard was unhappy again, aka his own self. He tried to blame his misery on the savage, then he realized that savage was the victim, along with Hemholz. So made up with the tow of them. Bernard was actually embarrassed by his ignorance. While Bernard was venting to Hemholz, he found out that Hemholz had also gotten himself into a pickle with the law. He was made is own rhymes about being alone and read them in the class he was teaching and now he is a "marked man." Hemholtz and John had begun talking about literature and Bernard was instantly jealous, he was jealous of what they had but then realized it was stupid. So he took soma. The savage and Hemholtz had many meeting in which John would read Romeo and Juliet to Hemoltz. This gave Hemholz more power in a way. 
  2. This is an important chapter because it shows Bernard's downfall and how he deals with it. Like i stated in previous journal entries, there was no good to come of Bernard's power. It also shows internal conflicts with both Lenina and John. And he learn more about what has been happening with Hemholtz.
  3. Characters
    1. Bernard's power was taken away just as quick was it was given to him. And of course, the only way to cope with the fact that we no longer was thought of as normal, was to take soma. Once he realized that he wasn't the victim in the situation, he apologized and made friends with Hemholtz and John again. Then, when he saw John and Hemholtz buddy up, he got jealous. So he really has the best of two bad situations. 
    2. John felt as though he had been cheated by Bernard cause he didn't warn him when Bernard was bringing John to see everyone, so he locked himself away. Also, John still has feelings for Lenina, but he wants to be a gentleman about it. and by the end of the chapter, he was helping Hemholtz. 
    3. Lenina had feeling for John, but doesn't know what to do about it, so she does what she knows best, take soma to mask the feelings.
  4. Literary Elements
    1. Symbols
      1. Lenina and John symbolize Romeo and Juliet. They are both from two different worlds and they aren't meant to be together. 
    2. Allusion 
      1. Oh! She doth teach the torches to burn bright." Romeo and Juliet
  5. New Words
    1. Indignation N. anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment
    2. Sepulchral Adj. of or relating to a tomb or interment

1 comment:

  1. Good pick up of symbols. Of course John and Lenina's parents are the different societies. The feud is there.

    Great summary. Good details.
