Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Chapter 9 Journal Entry

  1. When they got back to the pueblo, Lenina was so stressed from her encounter with Linda, that she treated herself to six half-gramme tablets of soma, and she would be out for another eighteen hours. But Bernard just couldn't go to sleep and so he thought up a plan with John and Linda for the director. At ten the next morning, the helicopter had arrived to pick up Lenina and Bernard. Bernard told the the pilot that Lenina was on holiday an they would return after Bernard had done some business to pick her up. So while he was gone, Bernard went to Mustapha Mond to see if he could take Linda and John back for scientific research. Mond approved Bernard project. Meanwhile, back at the reservation, John went to Bernard and Lenina's pueblo to see if they were still there. When we arrived, he was yelling for Bernard, but there was no answer. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. He was sure they were gone until he saw a suitcase with the initials L.C. on them. Filled with joy, he broke into the house, and started going through all of Lenina’s things. He would take her clothing and sniff them and fill with more and more joy. When he realized that Lenina was actually there, he crammed all of her stuff back into the suitcase, quietly open the door, and found himself looking across the landing at another door, but this one was open. He gently opened it and saw Lenina on her holiday. He wanted to just touch her, then he thought that all it would take to see her naked was to take hold of the zipper on her neck and give  long pull. He pulled away and herd the helicopter coming and saw Bernard walk out of it. 
  2. This chapter is important because it shows that John loves Lenina and that he is a very curious person. For example he snuck into the pueblo to snoop thew Lenina's suitcase, and then when he actually saw her, he thought she was so beautiful that it brought him to tears. It also shows that Bernard's plan is falling into play. 
  3. Character
    1. Bernard doesn't really change in this chapter, but it shows how devious he can be. By taking Linda and John back it will ruin the directors life. 
    2. John is a very curious guy. He broke into a pueblo just to sniff Lenina's things. He also seem to be rash because is seem as though he already loves Lenina.
    3. Lenina is a person who always wants to be conferrable, so when she had her encounter with Linda she felt that she deserved a soma holiday. 
  4. Literary Elements
    1. Foreshadow
      1. "His heartbeat wildy: for a moment he was almost faint.
    2. Simile
      1. "Joy flared up like fire..."
      2. "...Certainly herd something-something like a sigh, something like the creak of a board."
    3. Allusion
      1. "Her eyes, her hair, her cheek, her gait, her voice..." Troilus and Cressida
      2. "On the white wonder of dear Juliet's hand, may seize..." Romeo and Juliet 
  5. New Words
    1. Agave N. a succulent plant with rosettes of narrow spiny leaves and tall flowerspikes, native to the southern US and tropical America.
    2. Gait N. a person's manner of walking
    3. Cygnet N. a young swan.

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding literary elements and vocabulary words.

    Characters: You really don't think Bernard has changed? Is he on the verge of change? Does he sniff his self-importance here?
