Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Chapter 5 Part 2 Journal Entry

  1. Every other Thursday Bernard when to a Solidarity Service. He was running late, so he called a cab and got on his way. He wasn't the last one there and so  he sat down next to a woman with a uni bro, which distracted him. After every one had arrived, the president had begun. There were twelve of them becoming one. They were passing around a cup of strawberry ice-cream soma and everyone got some. Then they started singing hymns. Bernard was trying to focus on letting the music melt him, but he was too distracted from the woman with the uni-brow. People kept singing and singing until finally people started chanting "He is coming, I can here him!" Although Bernard didn't feel or hear anything, he joined in with the chanting. Then, as the music got faster and faster until everyone because one. Then they started chanting orgy-porgy. As the music came to an end, everyone was discussing how wonderful the experience had been and of course, Bernard went along with everything. The only thing he could think about was the woman's Uni-Brow.
  2. This chapter was important because it goes further into what people do in the evenings. This certain activity was like their form of religion. Although religion is totally wiped out, this is some sort of substitute. 
  3. Characters
    1. There are several new characters who appear in this chapter, but Bernard is the only won who really matters. He does things that shows that he just wants to fit in. He fakes the chanting and pretends that he feels the same way as everyone else, in hopes that he could just fit in. 
  4. Literary Elements
    1. Allusions.
      1. Morgana Rothschild- N M Rothschild and Sons
      2. Big Henry- Big Ben
      3. Twelve disciples (some = blood)
      4. Sarojini Engels- Indian politician. 
  5. New Words
    1. Agitation n. a state of anxiety or nervous excitement

1 comment:

  1. Hannah, outstanding job on this journal entry. Yes, the unibrow was suppose to add some humor. I always laugh at Bernard's obsession with it (I mean for someone who is trying to escape surface level appearances that seem to represent the society he lives in)
