Friday, November 4, 2011

Chapter 6 Part 1 Journal Entry

  1. In this chapter, it starts with Lenina rethinking her trip with Bernard because he is so odd. He insisted that she had many different options, but she had been everywhere else and this might be her only chance to go to the savage reservation. The she was remembering a conversation that she had with Henry and that he compared Bernard to a rhinoceros and that if Bernard wasn't so good at his job, then the director would just get rid of him. Then the first afternoon that Lenina and Bernard went out, Bernard suggested that they go on a walk a be alone. Lenina was confused because she thought that they would have plenty of time later to be alone and Bernard was intending to go to bed with her now, but just go on a walk and talk. Lenina persuaded Bernard to go to a wrestling match instead. Lenina was taking soma, and Bernard didn't want any, he would much rather be himself. They were getting into the helicopter when they noticed the weather had gone bad. Then Bernard started to go on a rant about he just wanted to be himself, not some conditioned robot. Lenina, being blinded by her conditioning, was confused and didn't knew why Bernard was talking like this. They flew back and went to bed and Lenina was relieved that 'he was alright now.' They got back to the helicopter and Lenina was asking Bernard if he thought she was to plump, and Bernard, uninterested, answered all of her questions the way she would want to hear. The Bernard went an another rant about how he wished things were different in society and that by going to bed the first night was like they were acting like children and they should have waited like adults. Lenina took that as he thought she was to chubs after all. Then she was talking to fanny about how she liked his physical features, but she didn't like his personality. 
  2. This chapter is important being it shows how and outsider, Bernard, and a person who fit in to society so well, Lenina, act when they are together. I found that Bernard and Lenina are dramtic foils because when they are together, Bernard really shows his rebellious side and Lenina shows her loyal side. They obviously had to completely different ideas about what they were going to do with their evening. Bernard wanted to be alone with her and just talk and Lenina wanted to Be i a big crowd and then they were alone, go to bed with each other, not talk. Also, their points of view on a lot of things were different too. Bernard thought that the right thing to do is wait and have a bigger connection when you go to bed with someone. But Lenina thinks that it is some sort of activity and everyone does it with everyone. Also she stated, "Never out off till tomorrow the fun you can have today." 
  3. Characters
    1. In this chapter, you really see how shallow Lenina is. It isn't entirely her fault because of the way she was created to think. But in the end of the part, she clearly stated that she only liked Bernard for his physical features, but his personality. Also, she almost cancelled her trip with Bernard if it wasn't for the nasty hotel she stayed at in the North Pole. She is also very innocent when it comes to talking about the society, she is very loyal to the rules. 
    2. Bernard is really shown as a rebel in this part of the chapter. He is continuously bashing on the government and on how thing really should be done. Honestly, i think in some ways he was trying to scare Lenina with his rebellious talk. 
  4. Literary Elements
    1. Foreshadow
      1. "...what would it would be like if I could, if I were free- not enslaved by my conditioning."
    2. Allusion
      1. Habibullah Khan
  5. New Words
    1. Besought- vb. ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something
    2. Pneumatic -Adj. informal (of certain body parts, esp. a womans breasts) large, as ifinflated 
    3. Voluptuous- Adj. relating to, or characterized by luxury or sensual pleasure

1 comment:

  1. Yes - Bernard and Lenina are dramatic foils! John will later be a dramatic foil as well.

    Good thoughts here.
