Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Chapter 11 Journal Entry

  1. After the reviling of Linda and John, the director was so humiliated that he quit his job, as expected. Then, it goes on to explain how even the sight of Linda made people sick. So, the plan was to give her so much soma that her respiratory system will become paralyzed and then she will soon die after. The doctor estimated about a couple months. John protested and said that would shorten her life. The doctor then told him that it would be for the better. Sure her life would be shorter, but that short amount of her life would be spent in a non-stop soma holiday. John wasn't convinced, but they still proceeded to give her twenty grammes of soma each day. He was put in Bernard's apartment with a continuous patchouli tap and endless amounts of soma with in reach. Now that Bernard had brought back a savage, he was treated normally. People weren't talking bad about him behind his back, and he was treated like a normal person in society. And now that he is accepted into the society, Lenina and Fanny don't think he is so odd now, but they think he is sweet. Then, Bernard was bragging to Hemholz, and he was only listening with a disappointing glare. Bernard got offended and said that he was never going to talk to Hemholz again.  Days went by and Bernard was only getting more and more popular and more and more full of himself. So full of himself in fact that people started thinking he was going to have a bad end. Bernard was talking John around and showing him the different castes and such. Then it jumps to Mustapha reading Bernard's report on the savage. He was not very impressed. Then it jumps back to bernard and John, and john was being explained how their system works as far as the twins go and the different social statuses. Then it jumps back to Mustapha and he reads a part of the report that states that the savage in attracted to Linda, and that it is odd. Then it goes back to John and Bernard, and John is being shown the school for double alpha pluses. Then John asks if they read any Shakespeare, and the Dr went on about how they wouldn't understand anything of the sort. Then they go in to explain how death doesn't really phase them because they were conditioned sense they were eighteen months old to be fine with it. Then they go threw the soma radiation process. Then Lenina had the privilege of taking the savage out and take him to a feelie, but Lenina was worried because he had feelings for him. Once the feely was over, John didn't like it. and Lenina took him back to her apartment, she wanted John to come with her, but he didn't and she took three grammes of soma. 
  2. This chapter is important because there is a lot of character deveopment. Also it moves the story along and we know where people stand now. Like Bernard is now thought of as a normal person in society and the direct is off the grid. 
  3. Characters
    1. Bernard makes huge changes in this chapter, and not in a good way. Yes, good for him he finally fits in, but he is getting dangerously full of him self. He is so cocky, that he even threatens to never talk to Hemholz again only because he wasn't having any of his bragging. Also, he is forgetting about all of his morals he had before. Like he is talking girls to bed almost every night, unlike before when he thought it was childish. 
    2. John doesn't really change as a person in the chapter, but he changes his views of the society. When Linda would explain it to him back at the reservation, she would always put it as the perfect place to be. But since John's bible is a Shakespeare book, there is no literature here, so he feels like everything lacks emotion in this society, which is true. People would rather take soma then deal with real feelings. 
    3. Lenina develops feeling for John and doesn't know what to do about it. She is also worried about him liking her.  
    4. Linda just goes into a soma holiday for the rest of her life. He would rather live a shorter drugged up life rather then a longer real life. 
  4. Literary Elements
    1. Allusions
      1. "Eternity was on our lips and eyes." Antony and Cleopatra 
      2. "Ariel could put a girdle round the earth in forty minutes." Shakespeare
    2. Foreshadow
      1. "That young man will come to a bad end."
  5. New Words
    1. Intrinsically Adv. To come naturally 
    2. Cinematographic Adj. the art of making motion pictures.

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