Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Chapter 4 Part 1 Journal Entry

1.     In this chapter, Lenina accept Bernard to the savage reservation in New Mexico for a week in July. She told him that she would go with him in front of a crown of popular Alphas and it made him a little awkward. Lenina thought to herself that she was proving to unfaithfulness to Henry in a public area so it would make Fanny happy. He asked if they could talk about it later because of all the people around, so they went to the roof, but Lenina had to go because she was late to seeing Henry.  When she got to Henry, he mentioned her lateness then they went off to an obstacle golf course about 6 kilometers away. They see the different social groups and Lenina mentions their clothes from her hypnopaedia. Then they began their first round of obstacle golf.
2.     This chapter in important because it is still giving the audience more of an insight of the inter workings of the society, mostly from the Alpha’s poit of view. For example, Lenina kept commenting on the clothes of the other social groups and how the weather was perfect for obstacle course. Also when Lenina accepted Bernard invitation to the savage reservation, she een mentioned that he had to go be with henry and it was totally normal.  We see how Lenina really is like in this chapter. For example, when she walked into the changing room it said that she had been with almost every guy in the room. And, she wanted to prove her unfaithfulness to Henry by talking to Bernard in a public area. This was a good thing that needed to be done and Lenina thought it would make Fanny happy. Also, we learned that Bernard is a gloomy person, and that he doesn’t take soma.
3.     Literary Elements
a.     Irony
                                               i.     “Anyhow, she was publicly proving her unfaithfulness to Henry. Fanny ought to be pleased, even though it was Bernard.”
                                              ii.     “… Asked him who is mother was, or something like that.”
b.     Metaphors
                                               i.     …”The twilight of his own habitual stupor.”
                                              ii.     “The summer afternoon was drowsy with the hu of [assing helicopters…”
4.     New Words
a.     Annihilating- V. destroy utterly; obliterate
b.     Imperiously- Adv. assuming power or authority without justification; arrogant and domineering
c.      Caste- N. the system of dividing society into such classes.
d.     Incandescence- Adj. emitting light as a result of being heated

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