Thursday, November 24, 2011

Chapter 15 Journal Entry

  1. John ran out of the hospital to find lots of people standing around their soma. A man went our in front of the crowd and held up a box full of soma for everyone. People started for the soma one at a time until things got out of hand. Then, the man with the box shut it, and threatened that no one was to get their soma. Then John thought of how Linda was a slave to soma and he yelled at everyone to stop. The He went up and stared telling everyone that they were being freed and he was throwing the soma away. The people were horrified and a riot broke loose. Meanwhile, Hemholz and Bernard were waiting for the savage at their normal meeting place. Then they got a phone call, and they were informed of that was going on with the savage. Then it went back and it showed the savage giving a speech about how they were all slaves and he was only freeing them. Then the police come and start their crows comtrol and Bernard starts to panic because Hemholtz and John are both rebelling.  
  2. This is in important chapter because it is the climax of the story. It is the peek of John's internal problems and where he can't really hold back anymore and he does that he feels is right.
  3. Characters
    1. John has an emotional breakdown in this chapter. If his mother hadn't of died and Lenina practically attack him, he might have actually though about what he was doing. Although he was doing what he thought was right, the outcome here and more severe. 
  4. Literary Elements
    1. Simile 
      1. "...LIke maggots..."
    2. Metaphor
      1. ..."To have become mere sticks of jello..."
    3. Allusion 
      1. "Lend me your ears..." Julius Caesar 
  5. New Words 
    1. Dolychocephalic Not Found
    2. Derisively Adv. expressing contempt or ridicule
    3. Delirium N. an acutely disturbed state of mind that occurs in fever, intoxication, and other disorders and is characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence of thought and speech.

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