Sunday, November 6, 2011

Chapter 6 Part 1 Journal Entry

  1. Bernard went to the Director's room to go get a permit signed so Lenina and him could go to the savage reservation. Just as he was going to hand Bernard his paper back, he noticed that it said he was going  to New Mexico. Then the director went on about the time he went to New Mexico with a Beta-Minus. One day she went on a walk by herself, and was never found again. They search and searched but they never found her. The director still had dreams about the thunder and her being gone. Then, once he realized that he had shown Bernard some sort of emotional connection to this woman, the director started yelling at Bernard. The director started telling Bernard that he wasn't pleased with the reports he has gotten about Bernard's out of work behavior. The director practically threatened that he was going to send Bernard to a Sub-Center in Iceland if his behavior outside of work didn't change. Bernard went to find Hemholz and told him what had happened. Then Hemholz thought about how he hated when Bernard boasted that he had done all of these things, 
  2. In the section, it showed the uneasy side of the director and that even people in the highest power had doubts about their feelings even if they go against the rules of society. There also if a giant foreshadow about Bernard's future. 
  3. Character
    1. The director is shown in this chapter as a sensitive person. He fas in love with a woman of a lower status, and then she goes missing on a trip he took her on. Now he still is havong nightmares about it. Then once he realizes that he showed his emotions toward her, he got all defensive and started yelling at Bernard. This just shows that even though people may have a life time of conditioning, you can't help but to fallow your heart.
    2. Bernard doesn't show very much of anything in this section. All he really gets from the directors speech is that Bernard scares him and that he is showing that Bernard sees past all of the conditioning and social classes. 
  4. Literary Term 
    1. Symbol
      1. The directors reaction to his feelings kind of symbolizes that love is so pure that even nights and nights of conditioning can't even keep people from falling in love. 
  5. New Words
    1. Solecism N. a grammatical mistake in speech or writing.
    2. Indecorous  Adj. 
    3. Not decorous; not in keeping with good taste and propriety; improper

1 comment:

  1. Yes - the director's feeling is a symbol that perhaps there is something HUMAN in everyone (something like LOVE).

    Good blog entry. Ford would be proud.
