Friday, November 25, 2011

Chapter 16 Journal Entry

  1. Bernard, John, and Hemholtz are meeting Mustapha to see what their punishment you be for the riot. Mustaoha began with asking John if he like society and of course he said didn't and Bernard was horrified. The they talked about books and how people weren't aloud to read them except for Mustapha because he was the one who makes the laws so he can break them. Then, John was asking why they didn't have any modern day plays like Othello or Romeo and Juliet. Then the controller explained that no one would understand what was happening. They wouldn't know what was happening because on the story Othello there are things like wives and children and families and that would only confuse the people of that society. The John went on to tell how the feelies are pointless and dumb, and even though Helmholtz writes them, he agrees. Then john asked why there were different social groups, and Mustapha said because no one would want to do the little jobs, and the lower class citizens are glad to do it. Then, Mustapha admitted to the fact that he was an outsider as well and he was almost exiled until he decided that he would just accept the society. Then he discusses the future of Bernard and Hemhotlz. As soon and Mustapha mentions anything of the sort, Bernard starts crying and pleading for him to stay and he'll behave. He was reacting so violently, that he had to he had to be escorted to a bedroom and knock him out with soma. Then Mustapha started saying the being sent to an island can be a good thing because you get to experiment and meet lots of new people. Mustapha was almost went to an island myself, until he learned that dealing with the society would be better. The Hemholtz said that he would like to be sent to an island with bad climate so he cam focus on him studies, and then went to go check on Bernard, 
  2. This chapter is important because it wraps up a few loose ends. Like we know the fate of  Hemholtz and Bernard. He also see that Bernard has lost his marbles. The minute an island is mentioned, he goes bonkers. 
  3. Characters
    1. John didn't really make any emotional changes. He was, however, informed more about why things happen in society the way they do. Like why they don't have more dynamic movies and plays and why there are different levels in society. 
    2. Bernard has a major nervous breakdown. And, the fact that he has gone from mostly soma free to popping pills left and right shows how unstable he is. 
    3. Hemholtz and very collected and calm. He also is very accepting. Instead on revolting more, he makes a request an islnad to go to and then goes on his way.
  4. Literary Elements
    1. Allusions 
      1. There is a lot of talk about Romeo and Juliet and Othello 
  5. New Words
    1. Deprecating Adj. express disapproval of
    2. Ingenuity N. the quality of being clever, original, and inventive.
    3. Paroxysm N. a sudden attack or violent expression of a particular emotion or activity

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding job on all your journals! A (not an A+ as you are missing 2)
