Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Chapter 4 Part 2 Journal Entry

  1. At the beginning of this chapter, Bernard was walking across the roof, thinking about how he was upset that Lenina was so comfortable with talking about their date in public and then went off to go on a date with Henry. Even though he knew is was the normal thing to do, he was still upset about it. Then, when he tried to give and order to a couple of Delta-Minus attendance, but they didn't listen to him at first, because he didn't look like an Alpha. He had this problem a lot and was jealous of people like Henry because everything was so easy for them. He didn't like how women would laugh at him whenever he would ask them out and that made him feel like an outsider, so he acted like one.  The Bernard got into a plane and went to southward to see Helmholz Watson. Helmholz was thought to be a very successful man, because he was a writer, very strongly built, and got around with a lot of women. Although he was successful, he was very happy, he thought there was more to life then women and was interested in that. The Bernard and Helmholz talk, Bernard talks about his date with Lenina, and then Hemholz goes on about how he has given up girls for the last couple of weeks. Then he describes how he feels like he was this voice and he feels he has to share this voice of extra power to everyone. He, like Bernard, is not content and is an outsider. 
  2. I think this chapter is important because we get a good look at the life of an outsider. The first part of the chapter was all about people who fallow the rules and go through life easy, but Hemholz and Bernard aren't content, and are socially unstable. There is also some foreshadow that Hemholz might be up to something. 
  3. Literary Elements
    1. Simile
      1. "... men who moved through the caste system as a fish through water..."
    2. Foreshadow
      1. "...He was interested in something else..."
  4. New Words
    1. Hypocritically
      1. Abv. a person who indulges in hypocrisy.
    2. Plaintive 
      1. Adj. sounding sad and mournful 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this is the chapter that shows the two outsiders. These two characters will be important throughout the book.

    Good details.
