Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Chapter 5 Part 1 Journal Entry

  1. All of the courses were closing, so Lenina and Henry got in to helicopter and flew over the crematorium. Then Henry explained to Lenina that after people die, they are cremated and their ashes are used to help grow plants. Then Lenina's hypopaedia training kicked in and she told herself over and over again that everyone works for everyone  else. Everyone is important. Then, they went to some sort of party and they each took some somma, as did everyone else at the party. There was music about somma and there was dancing at this party. The somma made it hard to tell what was real and what wasn't. 
  2. This is important because it shows what higher class people do in their spare time. You also start to see how somma can be addictive because Lenina only takes a half of a gramme tablet and Henry took three. This chapter is still setting up for the big inciting event and we are still getting to know the society. 
  3. Characters
    1. The only characters that are featured in this chapter are Lenina and Henry and they didn't change in any drastic ways, the chapter just went into the kinds of activities they are interested in during the evening. It gave a sort of background to theui social life. 
  4. Literary Elements
    1. Henry Foster
      1. (scientist) (1796–1831), British naval officer, explorer and scientist
  5. New Words
    1. Perennially abv. lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time

1 comment:

  1. So who is Henry Foster an allusion to? Why would he be an allusion to an explorer and scientist? What would this back up?

    Good journal. Very well detailed.
