Monday, November 7, 2011

Chapter 6 Part 3 Journal Entry

  1. In this section, Lenina and Bernard start off heading to a hotel that they stay the night at. It had everything that Lenina could want on a hotel. Lenina was so content that she suggested that he might want to just stay at the hotel and not go to the reservation at all. The Bernard warned her that she won't have any of those luxuries and is she wants to stay, that would be fine and he'll just come back to get her when he come back from the reservation. She said she really did want to go and that was the end of that conversation. The next morning, they had to get the signature of the warden of the reservation for the permit before they could go. The warden was going on about how things work on the reservation and some background information. While the warden was giving his speech, Bernard remembered that he had left his cologne tap on and that if he didn't get someone to go turn in off, that it would coast him a fortune. Also, so Lenina didn't really have to listen, she took a half a gram of soma and nodded when it was appropriate.The warden was talking about how people are actually born there and people who are born in the reservation, will die in the reservation. As the warden finished up, Bernard went to go call Hemoltz to see if he would go turn off his tap. While they were on the phone, Hemholz informed Bernard that the director was looking for his replacement and that Bernard might be sent to Iceland. Then, they were off to the reservation. They saw skeletons of dead animals that tried to get out and once the touched the fence, they died. They landed and then the warden hopped back into the helicopter and was going to be back tomorrow.
  2. This chapter is important because there is another foreshadow about Bernard's future. Also it gives some detail about what the reservation is going to be like. Like there are families there and viscous animals like porcupines and such. Also there is another foreshadow about what is going to happen at the reservation. 
  3. Characters
    1. Lenina doesn't really show much in this section. She seems like she really doesn't care what is going on because she would rather sit there and be high then listen to the risks of the reservation. 
    2. Bernard shows his panic side in this section. When he got the bad news he took soma to calm down even though he tries not to. It also shows how he is still connected to society. When the warden was talking, Bernard couldn't help but think about the cologne tap. 
  4. Literary Elements
    1. Foreshadows
      1. "Remember that, in the Reservation, children still are born, yes, actually born, revolting as it may seem."
      2. "Those, I repeat, who are born in the reservation, are destained to die there."
  5. New Words
    1.  Indefatigable Adj. (of a person or their efforts) persisting tirelessly

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