Thursday, November 24, 2011

Chapter 24 Journal Entry

  1. John arrives at the hospital for dying people, and he asked the nurse about how his mother was doing. He said that there was no hope, and then John got noticeable upset, and the nurse was confussed. John finally got the nurse to take him to Linda. She was very distant because of all the soma, so she saw that he was there, and then she fell  alseep. The a but of twins came and started looking and laughing and Linda. John didn't so he hit one of the kids. The nurse saw this and then she got mad and threatened to get him thrown out if he disrupted their death conditioning again. The nurse was scared so she made the children go away anyhow. Then, John went back to looking after his mom. He started thinking about all of the good times while he was growing up, but with the good memories, came the bad ones as well. Then, while she was still in her some holiday, she mumbles pope's name, and John was outrages with jealously that Pope was the one in her dreams, not him. He was shaking her, so Linda woke up, and remembered John, but then, she couldn't breath and she died with a look of terror in her eyes. JOhn tried to get a nurse and he thought he had killed her, The only thing that nurse was worried about was them being unconditioned, so she distracted the little boys and then the savage walked out pushing one of the kids over, 
  2. The importance of this chapter is that is shows that no one deals with emotions and the meaning of duty is shown more. An example of the emotions is that people in this society are conditioned to have death not faze them. So when John acted out, it was so strange to everyone. And, the nurse wasn't thinking about how JOhn might be feeling, instead she was worried about her job. 
  3. Character
    1. John goes through a dramatic experience in this chapter, and he really has no one to talk to. No one in this society has ever cared if anyone else had died, because they really don't attach to anyone. So he has to grow up and move on all by himself
  4. Literary Elements
    1. Irony
      1. It was ironic that Linda was dying in heaven because she was surrounded my luxuries and in a never ending soma holiday. 
      2. No one that was dying had withered faces, only hearts and brains. 
    2. Simile
      1. "... like fish in an aquarium..."
  5. New Words
    1. Sexagenarians N. a person who is from 60 to 69 years old.

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